I’m Thinking About…

I’m thinking about food inventions and how they came to be… like mozzarella cheese is a world wonder.

I’m thinking about how much harder life would be without my washer and dryer. Inventions, man!

I’m thinking about how my cats suddenly shoot up in the air like they saw a ghost but they most definitely did not.

Im thinking about how fast spring break went by and that I didn’t really accomplish anything.

I’m thinking about how much I’m dreading returning to school tomorrow. Will I be in fight, flight, or freeze again?

I’m thinking about how much I wanted to be a teacher and how every year is proving to be less and less what I thought it would be.

I’m thinking about how I’m not sure who I would be if I wasn’t a teacher .

Im thinking about how great it would be to only worry about who invented mozzarella cheese.

This piece is part of the #SOL24
March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted by the Two Writing Teachers

7 responses to “I’m Thinking About…”

  1. carolannclark Avatar

    I love all of your thoughts and the way you began and ended with mozzarella cheese. I loved teaching (I am a school counselor now) but I began a long time ago. Teaching is so different now and I understand why so many great teachers are questioning their career path. It makes me sad since I remember how amazing being a teacher was for me.

    I hope your day back is better than you think it will be.


  2. edifiedlistener Avatar

    The way you travel with your thoughts through this piece is comforting in a way. There’s a completeness, a coming full circle. That you give the difficult thoughts voice and space yet also allow for levity is an impressive balancing act.


  3. Fran McCrackin Avatar

    Wow. I think this is the best back-from-spring-break post I’ve read. I thought I was in for an amusing train-of-thought piece and then it got serious. And the circling around was a great craft move. I get that fright, flight, freeze thing; it’s such a hard job. I hope you find rejuvenation.


  4. mazerlymusings Avatar

    I love your writing, Alyssa. I love that this slice comes full circle, and that it offers both depth and lightness, seriousness and humor. Great writing!

    (and as for the dread and fight/flight/freeze – I totally get why, and I’m also here for you!!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. limitlyssthoughts Avatar

      Thank you so much for all of your words on all of my slices. You’ve warmed my heart and have made me feel seen. Thank you for that!💕


  5. onathought Avatar

    The end of spring break has been extra tough this year for some reason. My therapist said “one week is not enough…you can’t get over burn out in one week.” So, at least we aren’t odd for feeling like we aren’t rejuvenated enough. Read Kelly’s post if you haven’t … it has me chanting “12 more weeks! 12 more weeks!”

    This is hard, but we can do hard things.

    At least, that’s what I just told my teenager… so now I will be repeating it to myself!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. limitlyssthoughts Avatar

      You’re the best. I miss your optimism and pats on the back! Love that I still have you do it through SOL.

      Liked by 1 person

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I’m Alyssa

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