To Write or Not to Write

I don’t feel like writing today. I tried to think about what to write about but I didn’t know where to start.

I could write about how I’m feeling but it’s starting to feel like I might look like I’m hoping for attention when that’s the last thing I want.

I could write about how my husband said our blanket that needs to be washed is white when it’s certainly pink.

I could write about how my mind keeps circling back to all of the time I’ll have to sit on all of these big feelings I’m having for the next few weeks.

I could write about how disappointed I am in myself for giving up but how proud I am for waving my white flag at the same time.

I could write about all of the people who have reached out to me during this difficult time and how it makes my heart swell and weep at the same time.

I could write about how much I miss all 17 of those 5 year old smiles, but how scared I am that they may not be smiling all the time.

I could write about how I’ve been writing for 18 days and the experience I thought this would be for me… when it’s been nothing like I’ve imagined.

I don’t feel like writing today, but this is what I can manage.

This piece is part of the #SOL24
March Slice of Life Story Challenge
hosted by the Two Writing Teachers

3 responses to “To Write or Not to Write”

  1. Ana Valentina Patton Avatar

    I’m glad you wrote tonight because this line struck a chord: I could write about how disappointed I am in myself for giving up but how proud I am for waving my white flag at the same time.


  2. pattibegg Avatar

    I love you big. You are so “someone to look up to”…. And that’s what kids (and all of us) need.


  3. britt Avatar

    What a gift that you wrote anyway. What a gift that you are here in community. I have so many questions about what you’ve written, but know that your words are held here tenderly. Thank you for writing tonight.


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I’m Alyssa

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